Selling your house can be tricky particularly when you are doing it for the first time. Investing your time, effort and energy into preparing your house for sale improves the selling prospects of your house. By sprucing up your home inside and outside, it is more likely that your house will receive a lot more offers when you do a few touch-ups and put your house up for sale. You also get an opportunity to command a higher sale price.
In this blog, we have curated a set of tips and tricks from real estate professionals and expert developers to help you prepare a house for sale.
Identify minor repairs and make necessary changes
If you have lived in that home for a longer period of time, the chances of wear and tear is relatively higher. The first, and perhaps the most essential step in preparing your house for sale is to identify the repairs or problems in doors, windows, floor, etc. Undertake a comprehensive inspection of your house to identify defects and flaws, and make sure that such problems are rectified and repaired before you put your house for sale.
Improve the appearance of your exterior
The exterior of your house creates a first impression in the minds of the buyer and sets tone for the negotiation and further processes. A lot of times we observe that the buyers are very reluctant to even step out of the car and make their way to the inside of the house if they find the exterior unattractive and unappealing. You can also add shrubs, clean your lawn, or paint your exterior walls,to enhance the overall appearance of your house.
Enhance your lighting
Lighting matters the most, not just in photography, but also when you are trying to prepare your home for sale. Open up curtains and let natural light flow through in abundance. Adding table lamps and floor rights could enhance the overall appearance and lighting of your house. Bright rooms are more appealing than dark rooms or dim-lighted ones. So, before you start displaying your house on sale, make sure that lighting is sufficient.
It is also important to make sure that you replace the burned-out lamps and lights. More so, the lamps and lights that you have put to use more frequently. This way you can make sure that they do not burn off when you are trying to display your house to a buyer. In that case, there are chances that such an incident impacts the mindset and influences the buying decision of the prospective buyer.
Declutter to better organize your home
Space plays a huge role in boosting your sale price. Make sure that your home and the rooms inside look abundant and spacious. Declutter your storage, kitchens and bathrooms so that they look spacious and create a feeling of sufficiency in the minds of the buyer. Our real estate professionals suggest that you remove at least 50% of what you have garnered over the years.
Painting and touching
A fresh coat of paint can add a new touch to your home, much more than what you expect. Perhaps, this is on the top of checklists that real estate agents and developers offer when you are trying to put up your house on sale. Be conscious when you decide on the colour. A right colour can make your home appear larger and it can also spotlight the architectural uniqueness of your home when your prospective buyers visit your home. Even if you don’t have time and energy to paint your entire house, real estate professionals at Kanish Construction Company recommend that you paint the entrance, exterior walls, kitchen and bathrooms.
Add a contemporary touch to your home
Styling to trend is a very important factor when it comes to preparing your home for sale. Small factors can make huge differences, particularly with style elements. Make sure that your front portion including the doors, lawn, pathway, etc. is tidy, clean and well maintained. Ensure that your interior is pristine clean. Same is the caution that you should apply when it comes to evaluating the condition of your carpets, flooring, interior walls, facade, etc.
Focus more on the entrance of your home
As mentioned before, the entrance and front way sets the first impression of your home. So to ensure that you create a positive impression at the very first sight, your entrance is clean and decked up. Generally, the imperfections at the entrance are more noticeable and have a higher chance of impacting the selling price of your home as well as hamper potential selling prospects. Change your welcome mat, apply a fresh coat of paint at the entrance, and clean the front door frequently when your house is put up on sale.
Clean, Deep Clean, and repeat
Evidence suggests that clean homes sell faster and quicker than otherwise. We recommend that you clean your house completely before you put it up on the market. Make sure that you clean carpets, curtains, appliances, cabinets, drawers, closets, furniture, roofs, floor, etc. Some of these might not be entirely visible to the buyer at the very first stance, but they are highly capable of influencing the buyer when he makes a buying decision. Even after putting your house on sale, invest your efforts, time and money into keeping it clean consistently. Make sure that your house glows and shines, and is at its best when a buyer visits your home.
Make sure that your house smells fresh
A lot of times when we take buyers to visit a house that has remained unused for a longer period of time, there have been incidences where a foul odor impacts the mind of the buyer. Make sure that your house remains fragrant, aromatic, and smells fresh all the while you put your house on sale. Clean your carpets, toilets, and everything that may transfer a foul odour and impact the selling prospects of your home.
Preparing your house for sale can make a huge difference than one can expect it to be. Perhaps, it is what makes the difference between a house waiting to be sold in the market for years and the ones that get sold off immediately at the first few stances. Overall, we recommend that you put yourself in the shoes of your prospective buyer as you prepare your hous for sale in coimbatore. Always remember that presenting your home in the best possible manner would enhance the chances of sales, and secure a higher selling price for your home.
If you are someone looking for more ideas to put your house on sale in and around Coimbatore, and gain the best possible price in the market, reach out to us at +91 9807549300. Get it done from the best in Coimbatore.